Tuesday, October 4, 2016

Message: It's Nothing But A Small Thing To A Giant
By Elder Kelvin Gilmore

Greetings to all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ. God loves you and so do I. Thought for Today. As I was having a conversation with a family member, I began to notice a housefly flying in the room. At times, the fly became a pest consuming my attention. This little small insect began to steal my focus from someone that was important to me. I made a conscious effort to refocus my attention to my family member and ignore the fly. This experience caused me to ask the question, “ what are some other things that are pests in my thoughts that are robbing me of the joy of living?” Are there any insults or offences that I have given too much attention? I made a conscious effort to forgive and move on so I will not let the “ flies “ in my thoughts steal my focus of enjoying life. An insult is …NOTHING BUT A SMALL THING TO A GIANT…. I declare and decree that I will stay focus on what is more important and ignore the pests in my life. May God Eternally Bless You and Your Family.

Poem for Today
Life will be full of offenses; we should never be totally alarmed.
We will not always be surrounded with people who have great charm.
These offenses do not have to appear as daggers in our heart .
But they can be like a mosquito that sticks his victim and depart.
We can blow up any circumstance until it consumes our being.
We shouldn't always trust what our eyes are seeing and our ears are hearing.
Know that what was once a big deal in the past can today be like an ant.
Know that offenses are nothing but a small thing to a giant.

Prayer for Today

Heavenly Father, please redirect my focus to always be directed to what you esteemed the most important things in my life. Help me to always avoid the pests that come to steal my joy of living. Thank You, Father. In Jesus name. Amen.

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