Thursday, March 13, 2014

Be Quick To Intercede

Greetings to all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ !!! Happy Thursday March 13, 2013 !!! Thought for
Today…..LET US BE QUICK TO INTERCEDE BEING LIKEN TO OUR LORD JESUS CHRIST WHO FOREVER LIVETH TO INTERCEDE FOR US…True Believers will see a need and fill the need through intercession. When we see a person in bondage, we should intercede for them. There are many “profess Christians” who chooses to judge others instead of interceding for them(Note: we can’t do both). Father forgive them for they know not what they do.  No one is qualified to teach or preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ until they first recognize that we didn’t save ourselves but God through the intercession of others lead us to repentance. For we were dead in sins having no knowledge of God until God revealed himself to us through his Spirit. Ex. Jesus called Lazarus from the tomb but he commanded man to unbind him. Likewise, Jesus gives  Believers life but our calling as Christians is NOT TO TALK ABOUT THOSE WHO ARE IN BONDAGE BUT ON THE CONTRARY UNBIND THEM THROUGH INTERCESSION. Let us allow God to use our lifestyle of Love according to 1Cor. 13 and our intercessions to bring conviction of sin not our judgmental words. The world will know that we are God’s Children by the LOVE that we have for one another. May Our Loving Heavenly Father Bless You with HIS Compassion and His Mercy so you can give Compassion and Mercy to HIS people.

Elder Kelvin Gilmore

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