Friday, February 14, 2014

Heavenly Father, Help me Not be Easily Offended

Greeting to all of my Brothers and Sisters in Christ !!! Happy Friday February 14, 2014 !!!
There are many times that our emotions get the best of us. It happens most often when we are hungry, sleepy, sickly, afraid, etc. During these times, we may be irritable or overly sensitive to comments made by others. As Christians, what are we supposed to do to minimize these times? In most cases, we feel irritable because a natural or spiritual need wasn’t met. It is our responsibility to ensure that all of our needs are met. For an example, we can never justify being irritable because we are hungry or sleepy. It is written if we love God’s laws we won’t be easily offended. It is also written that we should pray without ceasing and give thanks at all time.  Let us take the time to fill ourselves with so much spiritual food that we don’t have the time to feed the flesh. In other words, Let us walk in the Spirit so we want fulfill the lust of the flesh. I declare and decree that I will have a grateful heart and walk in the Spirit today. May God Eternally Bless You and Your Family !!! With Love from Me and My Family !!!

Heavenly Father, Help me Not be Easily Offended

The enemy has used many people to attempt to disrupt my relationship that I have with you.
When I am easily offended, the battle is lost because I didn’t use your word to follow through.

Father, keep my mind stayed on you so that the peace of God will prevail.
Strengthen me to walk in the Spirit so that any wrong actions will be curtailed.

It is written that if I love your word, I will not be easily offended.
Increase my love for your word so that unpleasant emotions will be prevented.

It is my heart’s desire that I am so one with you that I feel what you feel.
Let this be the day that my emotions remain steadfast and not take me downhill.

Elder Kelvin Gilmore

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